Sunday, July 10, 2011

Testimony of a new life and journey......

 I have been going through months of transformation. The Lord has been leading and guiding me in a new direction. One thing I have learned about my Lord is that he does not give all the details at once. As for me he give iddy biddy tidbits and expects me to walk in faith as though blind. I knew it would be a major life change and everything I have been exposed to for the past year or so has all seem to come together like sewing the pieces of a quilt together.  I know that I have really just begun this journey to the Promised Land. I am now beginning to see more manifestations of His vision for my life and revelation knowledge is flowing more freely.

I also notice that several of my girlfriends are experiencing the same things; Terry, Brenda, DeMetrice.... We are all supporting each other and praying for each other daily. It is so exciting to see how our Lord is manifesting His goodness and blessings on my closest friends.

I talked to my cousin Veronica today from Virginia. I love her so much. We have gotten to know each other in the past 5 years or so. She loves the Lord so much and whenever we talk on the phone it is a Praise Session. She is experiencing the same things as well.  She share something REALLY wonderful with me today about an assignment the Lord gave her. We rejoiced because she has completed the assignment. Her blessing are beginning to pour in.

So let me tell you a little story. Two Sundays ago I decided to go for an early morning walk to do my prayer time. I pray according to the prayer Jesus gave His disciple.  I had gotten to "give us this day our daily bread". That is the segment where you get to pray for your personal needs.  I cried out kind of loud in the street to the Lord. lol.  I told Him that I am frustrated and NEED the vision. I need to move from where I am financially. I am a tither so I know I have God's back. Malachi says so. Anyway, He spoke back to me (as we are having this lovely 2 way conversation) telling me that I need a mentor(s) and asked me to closely look at my associations. hmmm. I thought about my closest friendships and none of are living a wealthier financial life.  He then told me that I need to endrench myself with success and people who are successful. The first thing I thought endrench even a word???  He then in a very affirmative voice told me that He would present and opportunity to me.

I was a block away from home and hurried up so that I could get home and write down what He had told me.

I went to church and Pastor Larry ministered on Mentorship. That is exactly what God had told. I listened and took lots of notes.

After service I attended an even having NO idea what is was about however if my dear friend Pastor Sylvia suggested it, I was going to be there.  The guest speaker, a 28 year old man from Texas was motivating us to do better in life; to follow the Lord and to be mentored and be aware of our associations. OMG! This is exactly what the Lord told me hours earlier.  I was excited to here more.
David Iminite presented a business opportunity that made every cell in my flesh tingle with life and excitement.

So to bring you up to date, 2 weeks later, I have started my new business with Organo Gold.  The name of my business is Better Life Now. The Lord and I work together to come up with a name that bore witness with my spiritual journey. The Lord has told me for several years that He wants me to be a business owner. Now I already have 1 business which is HSIA Designs and I love it so much. I was surprised when He wanted me to start this new one.  I now understand more clearly why.  You see He wants me to leave corporate America and its Babylonian system and allow Him to build my financial life without all of the hindrance.  I am a faithful, diligent and excellent employee and always have been. I have truly never reaped all the perks and benefits and promotions that I deserved...NOR the income.  I can put all of that effort and intellect and diligence into my own business.

Yes it will require so much more effort but the reward will be mine. With God as my business partner how can I fail?  FEAR tries to tell me that I cannot do it and that I need to look for a job that will pay me enough to get health care benefits and a little money to pay the bills and if lucky save enough to take a cruise.  Fear is the enemy of my future and I am doing everything to build courage and faith and guess what....I AM WINNING!

So there you have the story of my life over the past few weeks.  I AM SO EXCITED! Most people love coffee, latte, tea and therefore I know that I have a product line up that will appeal to the masses.  Let me tell you something. That Latte is so delicious. Starbucks has NOTHING on this latte.  I never even liked coffee or lattes before drinking Organo Gold. Coffee always made me get a headache and stumach ache often with vomiting an hour later. Not with Organo Gold.  What I like even more that the taste is that the products are healthy and have ganoderma in them, an ancient Chinese all natural product that promotes wellness and health.

Please take a look at my brand new website. I am so EXCITED! Also, If you would like to sample the black coffee and latte, just let me know. I would absolutely love to send it to you.  Just write me at

Have a coffee-licious day.


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