Friday, January 30, 2015

Sunday, January 18, 2015

HSIA Beauty Page:


Anastasia Soares is a famous eyebrow expert. Her products can be found in department stores however I purchased my brush, stencil set and brow pomade from Ulta.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Prayer for Peaceful Sleep

Lord God,
send peaceful sleep
to refresh my tired body.
May your help always renew me
and keep me strong in your service.
I ask this through Christ our Lord.

Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my soul and body, beseeching you to keep me this night/day under your protection and strengthen me for my service, for Christ's sake.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Friday, January 9, 2015


It is so easy for me to lose body fat that the extra fat just falls off my body.
When I go for a walk, my metabolism increasingly speeds up and I lose body fat quickly and easily.
My metabolism is reved up like a race car engine.
Body fat falls off of me so fast that everyone around me is noticing.
My body feels light and easy to carry.
My body is getting slimmer with every new hour.
When I wake up in the morning, my body feels thinner and thinner.
I AM motivated to lose every ounce of body fat that I desire.
Losing body fat is easy and effortless for me.
My energy and vitality have increased 100 percent
I am beautifully sexy and slender.
I am a healthy and energetic person.
I accept me, each and every cell of who I am
I am safe. I release all beliefs known and unknown that are blocking me from loosing ___ pounds and I allow myself to be thin. 
Reaching my ideal weight of ___ pounds has been easy and fun.
I nourish my body with healthy foods and enjoy exercising daily.
I delight in slipping on my size __ jeans. Wow, I look hot!
I am open to losing weight and seeing myself in a new heavenly, healthy body.
I am willing to make positive choices in my diet. I am willing to exercise.
My body reflects what an extraordinary and unique person I am.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Come in closer and see the secret world of details.....

Have you ever stopped to notice that there is a microscopic world that most of us never take time to examine.....
Decide to take an object this week and examine it close up. You will be wonderfully surprised to see the grand artistry of God in the small things. To do this it simply takes time to come in closer and see the true wonders of life and our world.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Friday, January 2, 2015


I absolutely love the art work of Roben-Marie. I had the opportunity to buy a gift for a dear friend from Roben-Marie's Etsy site and I was thrilled. I think you will enjoy this video. Leave a comment for me below.

Thursday, January 1, 2015




let's try this again....

I hope to be more diligent in working on my blog this year. Last year was very traumatic for me and it took all of my energy to stay emotionally and physically afloat. I was just so exhausted! So let's try again to make this a better year and move forward in life.
