Tuesday, July 26, 2011


  1. An ex-boyfriend asks you out to dinner and wants you to select the restaurant. Which would you choose?   
    ____Olive Garden 
    _____Old Country Buffet
    ____PF Chang
     ____Morton Steak House 
    ______Wolfgang Pucks 
    ___Oh Heck NO! I don't even want to be bothered

    Bad Relationships
  2. This same ex-boyfriend was pretty disrespectful when you were dating. He never really treated you the way you deserve to be treated. So now he calls out of the clear blue sky and wants to chit-chat.
    Do you:
    ____bluntly ask him what the heck he wants 
    ____nicely chat and try to figure out his motives for calling 
    ____talk to him; besides you are so glad the phone rang and you got a call from any man because you are so bored.

  3. You have been invited to a summer party and there are going to be some single guys there. Your hair is a royal mess and the party starts in 1.5 hours.
    Do you:
    _____wash and style your hair under great stress
    ____throw on a "girlfriend" and call it a day 
    ____ do the best you can with your hair and go to the party 
    ____decide to stay home because your hair looking great is the most important thing regarding your image and there is not way you can look great in such a short amount of time.

  4. It's your birthday and a friend gives you are really nice gift. In fact it is a beautiful $400 purse. Do you:
    _____graciously accept it with thanks  
    ____say " I can't accept this purse" and give it back to them because you could never afford to give them an expensive gift" 
    _____accept it but never use it because you feel guilty  
    ____Accept it but then give it to someone else.

    as birthday gifts all year
  5. You receive a birthday gift and to your dismay you just do not like it.
    Do you:
    ____tell the person you do not like it and ask them to return it  
    ____take the gift and return it yourself for an exchange  
    ___give the gift to someone else 
    ____keep the gift but never use it.

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