Saturday, April 2, 2011


  1. If you just got a raise or a new job paying $20,000 more per year would you save the increase, invest the increase, spend the increase, pay of debts?
  2. If you won a Home Depot contest and won a gift card to remodel your kitchen would you buy new appliances, cabinets or flooring?
  3. You good friend's boyfriend is dating someone else. You know that she likes him but they have only been dating about 2 months. You saw him with this other woman at the movies and they were holding each other and kissing. What would you do?
  4. If you could be a contestant on a t.v. game show what would it be?
  5. If you had the choice between receiving a $100,000 house in a lovely neighborhood or a $200,000 luxury vacation around the world which would you choose? and why?
  6. If you were granted one of the following by your Fairy God Mother which would you choose. 1) to instantly be at your desired body size and weight 2) to be hired to work at the greatest company with great pay and benefits.

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