Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Toothache
by hatethatiloveu

It tingles throughout your jaw,
The pain that gets us all.
With an ache and a throb,
It's like being attaked by a mob.
The site of candy makes you wince,
And you loose all comon sense,
And when this pain comes back again,
It's one you'll never forget my friend.
The shock through your body makes you tear,
But crying wont help. No I'm sorry my dear.
It's worse pain than when your hit,
And you'll give anything for it to loosen up a bit.
At night comes very little sleep,
This agony keeps you up in a heap.
When the sun rises you'd pray it'd be done,
But sorry for you, the rides just begun.
Because through this time you're forced to move about,
And your mouth feels so swollen you want to shout!
But you will not hurt for long,
As the doctor pulls out his tong,
And rips that sucker away,
Helping you to have a better day.
poem found online and borrowed to express what I am going through this week. Glory to God.

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