Friday, April 20, 2012


  1. Do you prefer coffee or tea?
  2. If you could be a guest on any TV show what would it be and what would the topic be?
  3. Who was your very first love?
  4. If you were to write a book, (or if you are Marva...your second book) what would the title be?
  5. What is your 5 year career goal?
  6. If you are or were single would you ever date someone 20 years old than you?
  7. Would you rather be in a room with a spider, mouse, snake or bird?
  8. You have the opportunity to start a business and an anonymous donor has sent you a check for $100,000. What is the business you would start?
  9. It's spring and you have $500 to spend on wardrobe item(s). Would you buy one special item or try to maximize the shopping experience and buy as many items on sale as possible?
  10. What do you want to do for your next birthday?


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