Friday, May 27, 2011

PRAYER CLINIC to pray strategically to change your life.

I have been working on an upcoming ministry workshop to be given to member of my church on June 11. I have been working on the project for months and now time is winding down. The Prayer Clinic will teach the group how to enter into the presence of God and strategically prayer according to the exact method that Jesus instructed us to use.

Several years after I got saved I asked the Lord to teach me how to pray. He did and I have never been the same. The biggest challenge I have in prayer is discipline; the discipline to pray for an hour. Why an hour? Well Jesus asked his disciples before he was crucified, "what, could you not tarry one hour?"
My experience has been that when you pray strategically for at least 60 minutes, something very supernatural happens. How? Why?   I have no idea BUT if my God has asked me to do so then I know that there is a blessing involved.

So, what is this great method for prayer? It is the model prayer that is Jesus instructed us to pray.
Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name
·         Intimate praise and worship
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven
·         Praying God’s will
Give us this day our daily bread
·         Praying for your needs
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
·         Praying for forgiveness
And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from the evil one
·         Praying for protection
For Thine is the power and the glory forever, amen
·         Kingdom praise and worship

Now most of us are familiar with the Lord's Prayer by reciting it or even singing it. The Lord's Prayer is actually an outline for prayer. Each of the 7 lines is a type of prayer and when prayed in order will cover you, your family, nation, community and others with dynamic results.

In addition, I will teach the group about God's Benefit Program. When Jesus was crucified, His blood testifies that we have been redeemed, forgiven, given peace, made whole, soundness and the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Here is  the Kingdom of God Benefit Program:

Forgiveness of sins, deliverance from sin’s dominion
Fullness of Holy Spirit
God is There- partnership
Health and Healing
Freedom from the curse
Freedom from death, freedom from hell

So, I am very excited about teaching people how to change their lives through prayer habits and discipline.

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