...it's time to do taxes?
There are a lot of fears in life but the IRS is one of the biggest fears for me. I know that I am honest and strive to be the very best citizen however I realize that the IRS scares me. I see them as being Goliath and being an entity that rules and reigns over our lives. If you make a mistake because you are not an expert I see them as saying " too bad! you have no excuses. it is your responsibility to know the law and know everything there is to know about US taxes. Off with your head! you pay us now. what? you do not have the money saved up in your bank account? unemployed? No excuse. you go to jail."
So today I had my taxes prepared. The gentleman was so nice and patient. I was very very very very organized. I used the AARP service which is free since my low income (temporary) does not allow me to go anywhere else. I am so very grateful. Anyway. I felt like crying out of stress before he even got started. lol. I was praying under my breath. I have been praying since January about my tax preparation and this morning I prayed at least 45 minutes in English and in the Spirit.
After the taxes were completed and all is well I still had a heavy burden on my head and shoulders. It is now 5.5 hours later and I am just beginning to feel better. By tomorrow my body and mind will realize that the ordeal is over until next year. Besides, I got them done before April 15th which is a miracle for me.
So beloved, take a deep breath and be comforted in knowing that once you do your tax return you will be able to sleep better and breathe again.
Does anyone else go through this or is it just me?