Saturday, March 31, 2012

a birthday gift for my beloved sister....

Sculptural Freeform Beaded Bracelet

Sandi's birthday is on March 31 and I hope she will like her gift. I know it will be a big surprise to her. I wanted to give her a keepsake this year from her little sister. when it is all said and done, the special gifts are the ones that we cherish and remember. I want her to have a piece of my artwork that she can keep for the rest of her life.
I just hope she likes it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Gas in Troy Michigan is about $4.19/gallon for regular unleaded.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

so why do I feel so afraid when....'s time to do taxes?

There are a lot of fears in life but the IRS is one of the biggest fears for me.  I know that I am honest and strive to be the very best citizen however I realize that the IRS scares me. I see them as being Goliath and being an entity that rules and reigns over our lives. If you make a mistake because you are not an expert I see them as saying " too bad! you have no excuses. it is your responsibility to know the law and know everything there is to know about US taxes. Off with your head! you pay us now. what? you do not have the money saved up in your bank account? unemployed? No excuse. you go to jail."

So today I had my taxes prepared. The gentleman was so nice and patient. I was very very very very  organized. I used the AARP service which is free since my low income (temporary) does not allow me to go anywhere else. I am so very grateful. Anyway. I felt like crying out of stress before he even got started. lol. I was praying under my breath. I have been praying since January about my tax preparation and this morning I prayed at least 45 minutes in English and in the Spirit.

After the taxes were completed and all is well I still had a heavy burden on my head and shoulders. It is now 5.5 hours later and I am just beginning to feel better. By tomorrow my body and mind will realize that the ordeal is over until next year. Besides, I got them done before April 15th which is a miracle for me.

So beloved, take a deep breath and be comforted in knowing that once you do your tax return you will be able to sleep better and breathe again.
Does anyone else go through this or is it just me?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sculptural Pendant can be yours!

I am often asked how long a piece takes to make. This one is very  sculptural and took over 30 hours to create.  It is also for sale. If interested please let me know.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Just 15 minutes a day will change your art life....

I believe that most of us need motivation from time to time when it comes to going forward in our talents and dreams.  I have found that many of my female artists friends (including myself) need positive affirmations from others in order to get motivated and stay motivated to go forth in presenting and selling our art work.  Many leaders and even pastors say that we should not care what others say or think but I must say that hearing positive affirmations and having others encourage us to move forward is a very powerful and motivating force.  Who doesn't like to be stroked with positively?

Well, I want to encourage you to do just one little thing today to move forward in your gifts, talents and dreams. You can do it. set aside 15 minutes today to work on an art project. Be self centered during that 15 minutes. Don't answer the phone....they will leave a message or call back. Don't think about the kids or the spouse...believe me they will figure it all out OR they will find you after 15 minutes.  Be happy during your 15 minutes;Iit belongs to you.  In 15 minutes you can do major things and it will greatly encourage you to do another 15 minutes tomorrow.  If you do this for 4 days, you will have 1 hour more done toward your goals and dreams. This may not seem like much but it is more than you did last week or even last month and year.  Just think what you could get done by the end of 90 days!

Your work is awesome and wonderful. There is someone out in the world who has been waiting to own a piece of your art work so get moving!  I believe in you.

want to be encouraged? go to and see the handmade works of thousands of artist who also had to start "somewhere".  This is our year to shine and do just a little more than we did last year and many of us will achieve much more than we ever expected.


Monday, March 12, 2012

artIST mARKet photos -2

HSIA Designs at
Leon and Lulu ARTist Market2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012

2012 Leon and Lulu ARTist Market photos -1

my beloved friends Linn and Cindy, my greatest fans!
When you go to the store they will roll out the read carpet for you. Both of them have exquisite style and taste. They are gifts to me from God.

my display table

Thursday, March 8, 2012

new photos on WEARABLE ART Page

see wearable art tab above for all new design photos

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

ARTist Market tomorrow March 6 3-8pm

best one ever!

last day for the LEON & LULU ARTist Market

March 6


96 W. 14 Mile Road
Clawson, MI